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Spring Empath, Psychic & Mediumship Development Zoom Class 1/6

lör 21 maj


Zoom Webinar

Intuition is a natural ability everyone can develop! Deepening this personal connection also deepens our personal Spiritual connection. Learn energy protection tools, tricks of the trade to begin discerning your "signs" & meet a new soul tribe!

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Spring Empath, Psychic & Mediumship Development Zoom Class 1/6
Spring Empath, Psychic & Mediumship Development Zoom Class 1/6

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21 maj 2022 10:00 – 12:30 GMT−4

Zoom Webinar

Om evenemanget

Spring 2022 Awakening Your Spiritual Gifts: Empath, Psychic & Mediumship Development Class

🦅This is my special 6 week world renowned Awakening Your Spiritual Gifts: Empath, Psycyhic and Mediumship Development Course. Spring Class begins May 21st 2022 and runs 6 weeks.  Classes are recorded so students can watch the replay if something a class or 2 is missed.I've taught 100's of people around the world to activate and trust their 6 psychic senses,develop, understand and trust their empathic, intuitive and mediumship gifts.

🦅Learn to honor, explore and trust your sacred connections to others, your Angels and Spiirit Guides, the Universe and Spirit. Learn new insights and how to integrate key strategies to increase clarity, discernment and accuracy.In this course I share powerful tools to help you grow.

🦅Everyone who has ever taken this class has been able to expand on their abilities and connect to Spirit. Everyone has their own style and gifts and in this class I help people understand what their unique abilities are and help develop them. I have worked with many Spiritual Teachers and have combined all I've learned into this Development Class.

🦅I only accept 15 students each session so registration closes once class is full.  Each 2-3 hour class includes teaching a new concept, a class exercise, question and answer time and a homework assignment.

🦅Spring 2022 session is Saturday mornings for six weeks from May 21st-June 25th from 10 am - 12:30pm Eastern Standard time. Classes are recorded so students can watch the replay if they can't attend live.

🦅This is the 10th time I've taught this class and I add MORE value to each session!

🦅As we awaken we truly find ourselves on a soul level. Another benefit is that our Spiritual Psychic & energy awareness abilities often become more enhanced.

🦅Awakening is remembering who you are and forgetting who they told you to be. As we Awaken we often begin to seek more meaning in life, look for more Spiritual truth and for many our sacred Spiritual gifts begin to unfold. It's not easy as we often look at our life through a different lens and realize that it may not be the life we wanted. Many have no mentors or teachers to guide them. This is why I am doing this online webinar course. where you can attend from anywhere in the world.

🦅Sign up for a weekly or monthly Payment Plan here:


*12 Hours of instruction ($1800 value)

*Connect to a new soul tribe (priceless)

*Learn many strategies to enhance and develop your Spiritual Gifts. (priceless)

*Access to my secret Facebook development group where I offer additional group and individual support ($25/value)

*A 1:1 half hour spiritual gifts discovery call ($111/value)

*Mini Readings from your Spirit Guides in class ($40/value)

*FREE Access to my "Empowered Empath Healing W\orkshop" On-Demand Video Webinar ($111 value)

*FREE Access to my "Complete Guide to the Chakras" On-Demand Video Webinar: ($111 value)

*Picture Readings of loved ones in class ($65/value)*Personal daily email support for 6 weeks (for those who have private questions. ($150/value)

*Text Support (via WhatsApp) for 6 weeks ($150/value)

*12-16 hours of class instruction over 6 weeks ($600/value)

*The Empath/Narcissist Relationship Dynamic and key tools that highly sensitive people can use to navigate these relationships. Includes everything offered in my 1:1 Empath/Narcissist Healing and Discovery Session ($150/value)

*Includes everything offered in my 1:1 Empath Discovery Sessions ($150/value)

*Access to my Empath Spectrum Questionnaire to determine where you fall on the sensitivity scale ($25/value)*

Two half hour Group Reiki Distant Healing Energy Sessions ($150/value)




COST: $444

🦅*Lessons 1-2: In the first two classes we will look closely at the "Spiritual Awakening" experience. I will share common awakening symptoms. We will begin tapping into and understanding our unique empath gifts and energy. Will include discussion and experiences of empathic aura merging, residual energy, grounding, centering, shielding, and discussion of the different types of energy fields that many empaths are highly sensitive to. Will include lessons and discussions of the different types of empaths, such as geomantic, plant, animal, physical and clairvoyant empathic abilities. In class we will also practice exercises to help empaths trust, tune in, discern, and feel empowered by those Spiritual Gifts. I share some practical exercises and tools to help my students go from being an overwhelmed Empath to an empowered Empath.

🦅*Lessons 3-4 are focused on developing tapping into, and discerning person to person Psychic Gifts and energy. This type of Spiritual Gift allows some to pick up the thoughts, ideas and energy of others through psychic energy reading. Will include lessons, exercises and discussion of developing psychic abilities and discern the information received. Each class will include exercises to develop our psychic gifts and a homework assignment to practice in between classes. All students get access to my secret Facebook Development group where I provide support as we expand on our gifts in between classes.

🦅*Lessons 5-6 are focused on developing, tapping into, and discerning intuitive energy from Spirit, otherwise known as Mediumship abilities, or triangular perception. Once many sensitives get a grasp on developing and managing the empathic and psychic energy they receive it becomes easier and tap into use and trust intuitive Mediumship abilities from Spirit like: clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, and more. Learn to hone your Sacred Connection to the Great Spirit to receive intuitive clarity and Messages from Spirit, Angels, ancestors and Spirit Guides.

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