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Work on Your Thoughts They Become Things - Full Beaver Moon & Partial Lunar Eclipse in Gemini

Surrender and let go: Quit fighting yourself and find more inner haromny. Surrender to what is and let go of the need to control.

Rewrite inner narratives: Perfect for fostering more positive thoughts. Our thoughts become things. This will become more apparent.

Stop overthinking and be: Work on trying to overthing everything and just BE. Overthinking creates stress. BEING creates understanding.

Step into divine feminine: Work on findingi your balance between the two aspects,

Yin and Yang. This isn't about sexuality. It's about balance between them.

Let repressed emotions out: Quif stuffing trapped emotions. We can't heal what we still repress.

Nourish and nurture yourself: It's time to start filling your own cup first and let go of any guilt around that. It's not selfish it's essential.

Release what no longer serves: In essence, let that s&#÷ go! To release this we we must admit to ourselves what no longer serves our higher self.

Balance between Spirit and body: If you've been neglecting either aspect it will becom more apparent and an opportune time to make more positive changes. There will be fewer obstacles in the way.

Shift away from ego towards soul: Many will start to see beyond ourselves to the bigger picture. Ego wants to control. Soul trusts.

Seen and unseen worlds intersecting: As the veil has been thinning, you may start to see things like chakras, auras, Spirits and orbs. They have always been there you're just now seeing them.

More consciously aware of how we see things: This is an ideal time to reevaluate our perception of things. We may start seeing a lot of our views differently. This is also an important time to be aware of how our thoughts create our reality.

Happy Full Moon!

~Christina Dawn Eagle

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1 comentario

30 nov 2020

Hello! Nice reading again...Mm my ego isnt let me goo. Know have too work on that...But have become more intressed too bee more my self...More dont think...think too much...oh crap dont think will make it...🤣🤣 but keep forward in the yourney...darkness will not scare mee anymore...had left it..hopefylly.....been there for to i will rest from it al ..Becuse its is long process. Take good care...tanks for your post...😍🤗😇

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